Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Project

Intimacy Training Head from Tim Martin on Vimeo.

The lady and her brains

testing the photocell along with the speaker.

Suprisingly to me, it seems that this project was more inspired by Jimmy Edgar than anything else, but there was a lot that I was thinking about through the development of this. Essentially it gave me a good chance to play around with the GinSing, which I was happy about. Most of the time I was taking into consideration the kind of dependency that people place in aspects of their life that are far from human, although they may feel like it is. 

This is what she's saying: 

Hold her close to you and lean in slowly, dont make it a quick peck but part your lips and move your lips with hers when you kiss.

(From a wise source on Yahoo Answers...)

And here's the code I was able to write up for it...